Human Skin Cancer
Sunscreen and Fabric
The Mouse Model of Cancer
Studies Using Skin Tissue
Drugs and Sunlight
Plant and Algae Growth

This book is based on in depth interviews carried out with scientific researchers across various faculties at the University of Sydney in 1990 and 1991. Each was asked to describe their work, their goals and their problems and frustrations. The scientists come from a variety of backgrounds including medicine, botany, physics, pharmacy, veterinary science and physiology. They employed a variety of methods including experiments on mice, skin samples and people, laboratory work and field surveys.

The cooperative nature of scientific enterprise became apparent during the course of the interviews. Most collaborated in some way with other scientists within and outside their departments and from other institutions and other countries. Most of them also liaised and shared ideas in a less formal way through a discussion group called the Human Health and Sunlight Research Group.

Many of these scientists were frustrated that more resources were not being allocated to what they saw as an urgent and growing problem for Australia and for the world. They felt their work was important and were generally optimistic about making break-throughs that would either enhance understanding or lead to ways of dealing with the problems caused by ultraviolet radiation.

The book is aimed at non-scientists; high school students, university students and the general public. It seeks to inform people in lay person's terms about what some scientists are doing to find out more about the effects of ultraviolet radiation on people, animals and plants. It also seeks to provide some insights into the ways scientists go about their work and how they feel about it.