Role of Government

Commonwealth Government Wetlands Policy

In 1997 the Commonwealth Government launched its Wetlands Policy of the Commonwealth Government of Australia.

The Wetlands Policy covered peatlands and undertook to compliment the Ramsar recommendation on peat. It states that the Commonwealth will "determine the Impacts of the peat harvesting industry in Australia and recommend appropriate steps for the Commonwealth Government to take, such as the use of artificial plant propagation media in all Commonwealth-run and funded activities and projects". (see below)

The Biodiversity Group of Environment Australia had "considerable concerns with the ongoing practice of peat mining in Australia, and encourages further investigation into the impacts of peat mining and alternatives to its use." It supported the arguments of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Australian Heritage Commission against peat mining at Wingecarribee Swamp.

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Extracts from the Policy

5.2 Developing and supporting a strategic and coordinated wetlands research effort

  • Continue to develop a strategic and coordinated approach to Commonwealth funded wetland-related research through, for example, the National Wetlands Research and Development Program.. Seek to engage a broad range of joint venture partners in this Program from other government: sectors and the private sector.
  • Through the above, foster research into the priority areas to address wetland management issues. This should include, but not be limited to, research to:
    • identify the full range e of threatening processes for wetlands and establish how to manage these and other known threats facing wetlands such as mater flow patterns and water quality, pollution and invasive species;
    • define the role of wetlands in the hydrologic cycle;
    • develop suitable environmentally sensitive control methods and planning mechanisms to avoid nuisance insect problems for urban wetlands;
    • determine the impacts of the peat harvesting industry in Australia and recommend appropriate steps for the Commonwealth Government to take, such as the use of artificial plant propagation media in all Commonwealth-run and funded activities and projects;
    • establish strategies for managing visitor impacts on wetlands;
    • devise robust economic valuation techniques for wetlands:
    • document guidelines for achieving the wise use management of wetlands:
    • clarify the taxonomy and distribution of wetland dependent species: and
    • improve information held on the migration and distribution patterns of migratory waterbirds, focusing on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, through the development of appropriate colour marking protocols and habitat studies, particularly with the assistance of the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme.
  • Review the screening procedures of-all relevant Commonwealth agencies for plant and animal introductions into Australia to ensure that the precautionary principle is exercised in decisions that may impact on wetland systems.
  • Support research into purpose built wetlands and encourage the application of this technology in accordance with the Guiding Principles of this Policy.

5.3 Supporting mechanisms to encourage the understanding and application of research findings

  • Ensure that results of research are widely disseminated in a user-friendly form to those with wetland management and conservation responsibilities in both government and nongovernment sectors, here and internationally
  • Monitor international advances in wetland management and draw them to the attention of the Australian research community- and others who can apply these locally.

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This site has been designed, researched and produced by Sharon Beder

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