Sustainable Development




Architects and Sustainable Development

The Royal Australian Institute of Architects

The RAIA has an environmental manifesto which demonstrates the concern of the architectural profession for the quality of the built environment and promotion of an ecologically sustainable future.

Extracts from that manifesto which supports the RAIA members commitment include:

  1. to examine and where appropriate support the efforts of organisations and authorities whose policies and actions are directed towards the preservation of resources and improvement of the environment
  2. to require of members the highest possible standards of professional action in matters affecting the environment
  3. to ensure that architectural education provides for an awareness and active participation in environmental responsibilities.

As a requirement of architectural course accreditation, the RAIA ensures that environmental issues are included in the curriculum and supports the concept of ecological use of materials. The RAIA also provides teaching resources for primary and high schools which provide the message of care for the environment.

Ref: ESD Newsbrief, November 1991, p.9

