What is ESD?

Australian Conservation Foundation

The phrase "Ecoiogically Sustainable Development" - living within our means in planetary terms - was brought to the fore in a 1987 report by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development report. The term used then was "sustainable development". Environmental groups added- "ecologically" to the phrase to emphasise the need for development to be consistent with ecological needs. ESD seeks to redefine the relationship between the economy and the environment so that we don't bankrupt ourselves of natural resources. Effluent allowed to destroy a marine ecological system, for example, is a clearly unsustainable process. It may lower production costs and hence increase incomes, but ultimately will lead to collapse of that particular economy. With this in mind, the most commonly used definition of ESD by environmental groups is:

"development that allows the present generation to meet its needs and aspirations whilst not compromising the abilily of fuure generations so do likewise".

From: Australian Conservation Foundation, 'What is ESD', Dancing With Wolves, Australian Conservation Foundation, No 1 , April 1991, p. 6.
