

Information Models


Who Participates
General Intention

Study Circles (Sweden)

Large voluntary associations and their members, scientists, public at large

Broad debate over a problem area to raise public awareness

Environmental Impact Statements (US)

Environmental groups; public at large

Improve access to documents on proposed projects

Council for Science and Society (England)

Reflection groups (Holland)

Scientists, enlightened power elites

To enlighten decisionmaking and to generate discussion and publicise information about policy


Advisory Models


Who Participates
General Intention

Science Court (US)

Scientists and public officials

Adversary proceedures to establish consensus on 'scientific truth'

Advisory Commissions of Science and Technology Ministry (Germany)

Scientists; representatives of major institutions

A comprehensive discussion of a project or problem area

Royal Commissions (UK)

Experts and public officials

Comprehensive discussion to achieve agreement on a controversial issue


Public Consultation Models


Who Participates
General Intention

Public Inquiries (England, Australia)
Hearings (US)

Scientists; interested public, local public authorities

Comprehensive discussion of project or problem area to raise public awareness and to help officials decide issue

Complaint Investigations (France)

Civil servants; interested public; scientists

To formulate objections based on individual or collective rights and to amend decisions

Environmental Mediation (US, Australia)

Environmental groups; project developers; third party mediator

To allow face-to-face confrontation over specific projects and settle disputes

Citizen Advisory Groups (US, Australia)

Community groups, local residents

To allow local community to influence a specific decision affecting local interests

Referenda (US, Austria, Switzerland, Holland)

Voting public

To arbitrate a controversial decision by direct vote

Source: Dorothy Nelkin and Michael Pollak, 'Public ParÝicipation in Technological Decisions: Reality or Grand Illusion?', Technology Review, August/September 1979, pp. 55-64.

